Carissa Gray, Emily Bickel & Nichole Brooks

Carissa Gray, Emily Bickel & Nichole Brooks



Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),


We are excited to introduce ourselves to you as the school nurses at Owosso Public Schools. We will collaborate together to ensure care of your child(ren) during the school day. Our responsibility is to provide appropriate medication administration, follow disease specific medical management plans for children with chronic illnesses, offer on-scene nursing care in emergent situations, and assess students who become ill during the school day.

We care for the wellbeing of your child(ren), so please feel free to contact your student’s specific school nurse with any needs that may arise.


Carissa Witjes, BSN, RN: Owosso High School, Central Elementary, and Bentley Bright Beginnings

Emily Bickel, MBA, BSN, BA, RN: Bryant Elementary and Emerson Elementary

Nichole Brooks, BSN, RN: Owosso Middle School and Lincoln High School


We are very excited to be a part of Owosso Public Schools, and hope that together we can create a community of health and wellness. We’re looking forward to working with you and your student(s) for the duration of the 2024-2025 school year.


Go Trojans!